Image © Anna-Kaisa Ant-Wuorinen

Publications on ICT education, development, cognition and culture
by Jaana Holvikivi

Papers on development, cognition and computers


Holvikivi, J., A Risk Evaluation Framework for Digitalization of Education with an Emphasis on Africa, Japanese Journal of Information Processing, Volume 32, February 2024, Special Issue of Computers in Education for Creative Learning. Open Access.

Holvikivi, J., Digitalisation of Education in the Global South: Conditions and Concerns, paper presented at WCCE2022 in Hiroshima, August 2022

A systematic analysis of risks concerning digital transformation of education is proposed. The paper explores risk areas dividing them into technological infrastructre, software and platform risks, and wider social, ethical, political, epistemological and cultural issues.

Holvikivi, J., Dominance of the global north in research and publishing, presentation at Development Days in Helsinki February 2022 and Ruralia science talks webinar on June 16, 2022.

Holvikivi, J., Will the Visualization of Internet Affect Languages of Education?. In: Tatnall A., Mavengere N. (eds) Sustainable ICT, Education and Learning. SUZA 2019. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 564. Springer, Cham.

Holvikivi, J., New visual trends and language in Internet communication, presentation at NordicSTS conference in Tampere 13.-14.6.2019 and paper.

Holvikivi, J., Cross-cultural Differences in Special Character Perception – an Exploratory Study, a paper developed from the paper in WCC13. 2015.

Holvikivi, J., Brain and writing: Cognitive aspects of writing systems and numerical processing

S Lukkarinen, J Holvikivi, P Hjort, M Mäkelä, M Lakkala, 2015. Creation of a collaborative study community in engineering studies. ICEE 2015, Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Engineering Education, 20-24 July 2015, Zagreb, Croatia. pp. 597-603. ISBN 978-953-246-232-6

Holvikivi, J., Enhancing Innovation Potential through Local Capacity Building in Education , in: K.Kimppa, D.Whitehouse, T.Kuusela, & J.Phahlamohlaka (Eds.): ICT and Society, pp. 27-38, Springer; Author's copy
HCC 11 Conference 30.7.-1.8.2014 @ University of Turku, Finland

Holvikivi, J., Improving Education and Innovation Potential through Local Capacity Building, a position paper based on the paper in ICT and Society. 2014.

Holvikivi, J., Building basic competences for culturally diverse ICT professionals, KeyCIT2014, 1 -4 July 2014, Potsdam, Germany;
in: D. Passey, A. Tatnall (eds.): Key Competencies in ICT and Informatics. Implications and Issues for Educational Professionals and Management. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology Volume 444, 2014, pp 3-11, Springer

Holvikivi, J., Cultural variation in perception and coding in IT students, 10th IFIP World Conference on Computers in Education, 1 - 5 July 2013, Torun, Poland; Vol 1, pp. 200-208.

Holvikivi, J., From theory to practice: adapting the engineering approach, International Conference on Engineering Education, 30 July - 3 August 2012, Turku, Finland; paper

Holvikivi, Jaana, Culture and cognition in information technology education. Helsinki University of Technology. SimLab Publications. Dissertation series: 5. Espoo 2009. ISBN 978-951-22-9785-6. Online at abstract and PDF Download PDF .

Holvikivi, J., Logical Reasoning Ability in Engineering Students: A Case Study. IEEE Trans Educ., 2007, 50(4), 367-372

Holvikivi, J., Learning styles in engineering education: the quest to improve didactic practices. European Journal of Engineering Education. 2007, 32 (4), 401-408

Holvikivi, J., Culture and cognition in information technology education. European Journal of Engineering Education. 2007, 32 (1), 73 - 82

Holvikivi, Jaana. 2003. Cross-cultural team work in information technology education. Proceedings of the UNESCO Conference on Intercultural Education, 15–18 June 2003, Jyväskylä. CD-ROM.

Holvikivi, Jaana. 2002. International students in information technology education - where do they locate themselves? Crossroads in Cultural Studies: Fourth International Conference June 29 - July 2, 2002, Tampere.

Papers on software engineering and programming education

Technology Supported Active Learning. Student-Centered Approaches. Vaz de Carvalho, Carlos, Bauters, Merja (Eds.) 2021. Springer. ISBN 978-981-16-2082-9
Kai Pata, Merja Bauters, Petri Vesikivi, Jaana Holvikivi: Agile and Lean Methods with Design Thinking. Pages 13-30
Petri Vesikivi, Merja Bauters, Jaana Holvikivi: Agile Methodologies in Learning with Design Thinking. Pages 75-90

C. Batanero-Ochaíta; L. De-Marcos; L F Rivera; J Holvikivi; J R Hilera; S Otón. (2021) Improving Accessibility in Online Education: Comparative Analysis of Attitudes of Blind and Deaf Students Towards an Adapted Learning Platform . IEEE Access. 6 July 2021. pp 99968 - 99982

M Bauters, J Holvikivi, P Vesikivi (2020). An overview of the situation of project-based learning in engineering education 48th SEFI Annual conference 2020. Enschede. Netherlands. Proceedings pp.52-61 ISBN 978-2-87352-020-5

P Vesikivi, M. Lakkala, J Holvikivi, H Muukkonen. (2019) The impact of project-based learning curriculum on first-year retention, study experiences, and knowledge work competence. Research Papers in Education.

Holvikivi, J. (2019) Design sprint in learning software development Paper presented at Sustainable ICT, Education and Learning, SUZA2019. IFIP WG 3.4 working conference 25th – 27th April, 2019, Zanzibar, Tanzania.

Holvikivi J. (2019) Agile Methods and Team Work in IT Education. In: Tatnall A. (eds) Encyclopedia of Education and Information Technologies. Springer, Cham.Link . DOI:

Jaana Holvikivi, Leenu Juurola and Maija Nuorteva. (2019) Collaboration platform for public and private actors in educational games development. in Don Passey, Rosa Bottino, Cathy Lewin, Eric Sanchez (eds.) Empowering Learners for Life in the Digital Age. OCCE 2018. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 524. Springer, Cham 2019. DOI

The 2020 IEEE Transactions on Education Theodore E. Batchman Best Paper Award:
Concha Batanero, Luis de-Marcos, Jaana Holvikivi, José Ramón Hilera, Salvador Otón. Effects of New Supportive Technologies for Blind and Deaf Engineering Students in Online Learning. IEEE Transactions on Education. March 2019

P Vesikivi, M. Lakkala, J Holvikivi, H Muukkonen. (2019) Team teaching implementation in engineering education: teacher perceptions and experiences. European Journal of Engineering Education. Vol(44) 2019 Issue 4, pp 519-534

J Holvikivi, P Hjort (2018). Agile development in software engineering instruction. in A Tatnall & M Webb (eds) Tomorrow's Learning: Involving Everyone. Learning with and about Technologies and Computing. WCCE 2017. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 515, pp 609-618. Springer, Cham. DOI

J Holvikivi, T Toivanen-Labiad (2018). Health-game development in university – lower secondary school collaboration. in A Tatnall & M Webb (eds) Tomorrow's Learning: Involving Everyone. Learning with and about Technologies and Computing. WCCE2017, Dublin. Springer.

C Batanero, L Fernández-Sanz, A Piironen, J Holvikivi, J Ramón Hilera, S Otón, J Alonso. 2017. Accessible platforms for e-learning: A case study. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, Volume 25, Issue 6, pp 1018-1037

J Holvikivi, H Muukkonen, P Vesikivi, M Bauters, 2016. Teaching working life skills in IT through collaborative practices. SEFI 2016 Annual conference. Tampere. ISBN 978-28735201-44

Holvikivi J., Lakkala M., Muukkonen H. (2016) Introducing Collaborative Practices to Undergraduate Studies. In: Brinda T., Mavengere N., Haukijärvi I., Lewin C., Passey D. (eds) Stakeholders and Information Technology in Education. SaITE 2016. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 493. Springer, Cham

P Vesikivi, M. Lakkala, J Holvikivi, S Lukkarinen. 2016. Teacher collaboration in IT project courses: resistance and success. SEFI 2016 Annual conference. Tampere. ISBN 978-28735201-44

P Vesikivi, P Hjort, M. Lakkala, J Holvikivi, S Lukkarinen, 2015. Adoption of a New Project - Based Learning (PBL) Curriculum in Information Technology. 43rd Annual SEFI Conference June 29 - July 2, 2015 Orléans, France

P Hjort, J Holvikivi, P Vesikivi, S Lukkarinen, 2015. Student Collaboration and Independence from Day One in Higher Education . 43rd Annual SEFI Conference June 29 - July 2, 2015 Orléans, France

Holvikivi, J., Building basic competences for culturally diverse ICT professionals, KeyCIT2014, 1 -4 July 2014, Potsdam, Germany

Holvikivi, J., Conditions for Successful Learning of Programming Skills , in N. Reynolds and M. Turcsányi-Szabó (Eds.): KCKS 2010, IFIP AICT 324, pp. 155–164, 2010.
Author's copy

Papers on women and computers

Holvikivi, Jaana. 2005. Monsters and engineers: the Other studies the other Other.
presented at Naistutkimuspäivät 2005. 18.11.2005 Helsinki and
Women IT conference. Research Workshop on Women and Information Society. 29.11.2005 Helsinki.

Little, J.C., Granger, M., Adams, E.S., Holvikivi, J., Lippert, S.K., Walker, H.M. & Young, A. 2001. Integrating Cultural Issues into the Computer and Information Technology Curriculum, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, v.33 n.2, June 2001

Holvikivi, Jaana. 1991. Working with microcomputer users in developing countries- cases from Tanzania, Micronesia and the Maldives. In Tijdens, Kichenham, Erikson (eds.). Women, work, and computerization. North Holland, 175-184


Skog, Ilse (toim.), Oivaltavat oppimisympäristöt. Metropolia AMK. 2013.

Holvikivi, Jaana. 2011. Opettaja ja opiskelija uudessa kulttuurissa. Teoksessa Milla Laasonen ja Päivi Keränen (toim.) Puurtajasta uranuurtajaksi. Uusia väyliä maahanmuuttajien ammattikorkeakouluopintoihin ja urakehitykseen. Helsinki: Metropolia AMK. s. 17-23.

Holvikivi, Jaana. 2011. Kulttuuriset skeemat monikulttuuristen ryhmien opetuksessa ja terveydenhuollossa. Teoksessa Riitta Metsänen ja Kaija Matinheikki-Kokko (toim.) Lokaaleja ja globaaleja kohtaamisia sosiaali- ja terveysalalla. Hämeenlinna: HAMK.

Holvikivi, Jaana. 1992. Suuren jumalattaren paratiisi - Vanhan Euroopan arkeologisten löytöjen tulkinta. Naistutkimus - Kvinnoforskning 3/1992, 24-32.
Jälkihuomautus 2022 uuden tutkimuksen valossa.

Professional societies:

Chair of the IFIP WG3.4 Professional, Higher and Vocational Education in ICT 2018-2024.

IFIP WG3.4 home page 



Sustainable ICT, Education and Learning
IFIP WG 3.4 working conference in collaboration with other TC3 WGs 25th – 27th April, 2019, Zanzibar, Tanzania

Tatnall A., Mavengere N. (eds) Sustainable ICT, Education and Learning. SUZA 2019. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 564. Springer, Cham.

OCCE2021 DTEL Digital Transformation of Education and Learning - Past, Present and Future, took place as a hybrid conference, in-person in Tampere, Finland, and virtually on the Howspace platform. The event celebrated the 50th anniversary of WG3.4 and the 60th anniversary of IFIP.
Download the Book of abstracts

D Passey, D Leahy, L Williams, J Holvikivi, M Ruohonen (Eds) (2022) Digital Transformation of Education and Learning - Past, Present and Future. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 642. Springer, Cham.
Open Conference on Computers in Education, OCCE 2021, Tampere, Finland, August 17–20, 2021, Proceedings.

WCCE2022 IFIP TC3 hybrid conference in Hiroshima, Japan, 20-24 August 2022

Book of abstracts (32 MB).

T Keane, C Lewin, T Brinda, R Bottino (eds.) Towards a Collaborative Society Through Creative Learning Revised Selected Papers, Springer 2023.

Selected papers in the Japanese Journal of Information Processing, Volume 32, Special Issue of Computers in Education for Creative Learning

Japan travel tips for Western visitors

OCCE2024 Digitally Transformed Education: Are We There Yet? was held in Bournemouth, UK, from February 27th to March 1st 2024.

Book of abstracts.

Keynote materials

OCCE2025 Rethinking Education Through the Lens of AI and Other Breakthrough Technologies will take place in Rabat, Marocco from October 28 to 30, 2025. Call for papers: deadline 31.7.25.

. on Jura

Photo © Aiko Holvikivi

Created by: Jaana Holvikivi
Last update: 3.2.2025
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